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Monday, November 18, 2013

It's been over 2 years since I last wrote!

Holy Toledo!

 My life has changed so much in 2 years! (I am very happy to say!)

 I finished a job, started a new one, started a relationship, ended a relationship, and started another relationship (which has brought me so much immense happiness I can barely contain myself) Maybe I'll write about this current moment and work my way backwards.

 Currently, I am very, very irritated. I facebook creeped my boyfriend's roommate, and noticed a status from almost a month ago complaining about us videochatting in the kitchen while he was trying to watch tv and how rude we were being, and all his friends commented on how rude we were. Well, maybe his friends need some perspective. Are they aware that your roommate is in a long-distance relationship with a 3 hour time zone difference? And we value what little time we get in the day to talk to one another? And YOU can watch tv ANYTIME you want on the internet, whereas we don't have that luxury? You know what I would love to do? The next time we videochat, I would love for us to hold up paper signs to the screen in silence, and communicate that way. Then his roommate will say, "what the hell are you guys doing?", and we will retort, "Well, we already have so little face to face time, what with our long distance relationship, but we really love each other. So we discussed this, and decided to sacrifice even more of this quality time in our relationship so that YOU can deepen YOUR relationship with your TV. We understand how important relationships are, so we wouldn't want to risk any strife between you and the television". That's what I would love to do, however, my boyfriend is far too wonderful and kind a man to ever encourage such a plot, and I am too short tempered. So I won't say anything to him, because I don't want to cause any problems between the two of them. It won't be an issue for much longer anyway, as my prince will be away for the whole month of January in Europe where his home is, and I WILL BE WITH HIM! My darling is taking me home to meet his friends and family, and I am so very excited, even though his father and grandmothers don't speak any English. Actually, I had a horrible dream last night that they didn't approve of me, and I got so upset and yelled at them about how much we love each other. When I woke up I was so anxious. I would have called him right away, but it was 3:30am for him, and I wasn't going to wake him up over a stupid dream. He wouldn't have minded, but still. Also, I have met his father and grandmother on videochat, and they are so wonderful and sweet and adorable and they love me. But in my dream it was his aunt who was being hateful to me, and I have not met her.

 My prince and I met at work, started dating, but then he had to move because of immigration (we knew this though when we started seeing each other). To be completely honest, I really didn't think we were going to do long distance. Neither of us seemed really sure, and didn't exactly agree to a long distance relationship. I didn't think it would last. I thought we would text for a bit, and then fade from each other as his new life started. The opposite happened, which I think totally surprised both of us. Instead of growing apart from the distance, we ended up growing closer and closer, and more and more in love with each other. Every free moment we had we were texting, or phoning the other. So I decided to spend my 2 week vacation with him, and we fell even more in love with one another. He bought me a laptop for my birthday which almost gave me a heartattack, but I absolutely love it (using it right now!) and now we videochat as often as we can.

 He really is the greatest event of my life. I never knew I could be this happy. This consistently happy. I always felt that I had to settle at least some aspects of myself. You know, I would think I was really happy, but in the back of my head, there was always a part of myself I was holding back for the sake of settling. But my darling, he loves me for ME! He loves my quirks, my sense of humour, my counter-culturalism, my spirituality, my family, my voice. He is proud of me and values and appreciates me and tells me constantly throughout my day. He doesn't make me feel bad about my job, he builds me up and reminds me how hard I work and to be proud of what I do (I am an instructor). He builds me up. And that to me is the difference between a successful an unsuccessful relationship. We build each other up, and love each other, and everyday we want to show the other how much we love them and why. And yes, we are "in" love, so it's not really difficult at this stage, but I am perfectly aware about how much of a choice love is. I make conscious efforts to love him in ways that will speak to his heart. For example, my passport photos, and my visa for traveling. I am a procrastinator, and would rather put things off. However, he is not. He does things early and he is a very proactive person, which is something I LOVE about him because he is a positive influence on me. Anyway, I wanted to procrastinate these things, but I knew that doing so would disappoint him, and probably make him feel like I didn't care about him. So I did it. Not because I wanted to get those things done, but because I love him and he is more important than my ego.

 I suppose that's all I want to write at the moment. I will end on these wonderful feelings and expel the negative ones I was feeling earlier.

 Life is pretty sweet lately :-)

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