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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Aren't Philosophers Supposed to be Logical?

I read this article today by a professor of philosophy at my university.


I struggled through reading the whole thing. The first attempt, I had to close the window because I was getting upset. I made it through on the second go, and I am even more upset. I am furious, and not just with Mark Mercer, a professor I am embarrassed to say I have taken a course by, but I am furious because he represents more than just himself.

This mentality angers me to the core. He makes absolutely no sense. His logic is absent, and his statements are hyprocritical.

"Abortion, then, involves the killing of a human being. But that abortion involves the deliberate killing of a human being is no reason for abortion to be illegal. Nor should one be morally troubled by it."

Can he write a more ludicrious statement?
He admits that abortion is murdering human beings, and yet he feels this is perfectly fine, because he claims a fetus is not a person; a self-aware person.

First of all, he has NO grounds in saying that. How does he know a fetus is not self-aware? A sleeping person is not self-aware either.
Also, I have seen video footage of an abortion in which the fetus is avoiding the vacuum, trying to get away from it. And yet, Mercer dares to say the fetus "has no interest in living".

I also want to state that once upon a time, only a mere 70 years ago, a man named Adolf Hitler convinced people that Jews were not "persons" either. To go ahead and beat them, kill them, rape them, do whatever you want to them, because they are not persons, and you should in no way feel "morally troubled by it". Yes, it is killing a human being, but they are not persons, so don't worry.

Oh, but here I suppose Dr. Mercer would say this is absurd, obviously that was a horrific event, the Jewish people were self-aware. Well how do you know a fetus is not self-aware!

It is absurd to even argue about this. Abortion is sick, and anyone who supports abortion clearly has never even thought about the issue for what it really is. I mean really think about it, and what it is, or watched a video of one.

Oh and by the way, NO I am not comparing women who have an abortion to Hitler. I am comparing abortionists to Hitler. Any doctor who performs an abortion is guilty of a crime equal to the Holocaust. Any doctor who performs an abortion is a monster and a hypocrite, and doesn't care about life. Women who have an abortion are victims of being lied to in their most vulnerable state. Lied to by a society that tells them it is ok to have their child murdered.

Abortion is the most evil sin there is, and it baffles me that so many people do not understand this.
Don't you realise abortion murders human beings!? How can anyone with a conscience support this? How can people not see how wrong this is?

I am terrified of this society. We are living in very dark times. We live in a society whose conscience has been so dulled, life is no longer a matter worth fighting for. Where the absolute most innocent beings there could possibly be, children, babies, infants, are being murdered everyday. Perfect beings, with no sin, are the ones being killed.

The pro-life movement is not out to hurt women, it is out to save women. Abortion hurts women. The after effects are traumatic. The scars of an abortion never go away.
We are fighting for the innocent, because they can't speak for themselves yet.

My heart aches.

It aches for the babies being aborted.
It aches for the vulnerable women being convinced this is a harmless act.
It aches for the state of our society.

May God have Mercy...