I was sitting at the very back, in the right corner seat, if you are facing the back of the bus. At some point between somewhere and somewhere...it's blurry, I can't remember...3 people get on, and sit at the very back on the left side: a girl, and two guys. I didn't look at them, because I could tell they were sketchy, and when sketchy people get on the bus, all I can think of is this:

They were talking loudly, as crazy people normally do in public. You know, the facebook generation...putting everything out there for the whole world to know.
The girl starts going on about how fat she is, and this is the most she has ever weighed in her life. I am tempted to glance over at her, but I didn't. Then one of the guys she was with asks her how much she weighs.
Here is my "Stupid Things People Say Reactor" meter:

At least, those are some of the general things I think when people say stupid things.
Anyways, to my surprise, she did not retort with anything other than her weight. And the grand total was: *drum roll* 135 pounds.
Wow. What a let down to hear she was AVERAGE!
After she so generously graced the public with her average weight, and apparent shame of it, she decided to loudly tell her friend that February 2nd will be "one year ecstacy free!"
Part of me wanted to glance at her, and nod a genuine nod that said "Well done. Congratulations." But the bigger part of me was reaching for the cord to let me off.
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