Let's walk through it.
Start by writing down something that is stressing you out (and make it as specific as possible! Don't write down "school". Narrow it down. Don't write down "Blah's class" either. What about it is stressing you out?). So for example: how far behind I am in Mary's class; so much work to catch up on.
Next, ask yourself, "Is this stresser solvable?". It's a simple yes or no question. Either the stress can be fixed, or it can't. In this case, my answer is yes.
How can I fix it? What do I need to do to make this stress go away? Make a list of what you need to do. For example: sit down and do the work that needs to be done will relieve myself of this anxiety. Break it up if I have to.
The next step is to do it. Whatever your methods are, do it so the stress goes away. Once the stress is gone, go back to the beginning and start with the next stresser in your life, if there is one.
What if it can't be solved? Let's walk through that with an example.
Stresser: My mom has terminal cancer.
Is it solvable?: No.
How can I cope with this?: lots of alcohol.
(just kidding)
Talking about it with friends. Verbalising my problems helps me to deal with them.
Stress managed: For the most part, yes.
Move on to the next!
I bid you all good luck.
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