I have no idea.
I have recently been given the advice to take a year off after this semester and go find myself. "Do some soul searching". I don't really know what that means, but I agree with them. It's something that's been on my mind for awhile.
Don't get me wrong, I know I want to do journalism. There is no doubt in my mind about that one. But given the state of my life right now, I feel it would be really unhealthy to go jump into something new (and demanding) right away.
Honestly, I need a break. I am exhausted.
So I have been contemplating what it means to go soul searching.

What do you do with a year off? I have no clue. One of my profs told me to go travel. I adore traveling, the entire experience. But as much as I love to travel, how does that help me find myself? I'll go see a cool place, come back poorer, and still be lost and confused. Plus, the places I want to go, I don't want to go by myself.
But I want to go somewhere. I feel so restless. Everything bores me, which is why I've been doing weird outgoing things lately.
I am a very generous and giving person, I always have been. But lately I've had no energy left to give to anyone or anything. I've turned to IceCaps, and have become an addict. Caffeine helps. But it's not the same kind of energy.
I need to find my inner icecap...
Gotta look inside and unleash your sense of adventure, plan a trip and see it through the feelings of accomplishment will last a lifetime!