1. Bruce from Family Guy. Particularly the "mayor bee" bit.

2. Christmas Music. Especially Charlie Brown Christmas music.

That is a picture I drew of holly, and Charlie Brown, next to a picture of real holly I took in Wales a few years ago.
3. Some Good Movies
Because that is broad, I have provided you with a movie graph, outlining what has proven to always have positive effects on my mood.

4. Old Letters
I have two shoe boxes under my bed, STUFFED with old letters from friends in high school.

You see, I grew up in a small farm town in Eastern Ontario. Cell phones didn't hit my school until after I left. We did use things like Messenger and email, but, we only had acces to those things at home. What to do while at school? How to pass time in boring classes? So we wrote to one another. Usually, we would write while in class, then exchange letters once class ended, and would read them in the next class.
How I made the honour roll, I'll never know.
5. A really good conversation about theology and/or God.
(I have no idea what to draw for this. I'm open to suggestions)
I still have all those letters and things too, good times! I'm loving your Bruce, that's pretty sweet. Whenever I am on the phone with Mom, if she says "oh no" for any reason, I repeat it in that "ooohh noooo" voice he has. :P