I’ve recently been speaking to several of the Catholic women in this city, and the general consensus is that it is nearly impossible to find a good Catholic/Christian husband nowadays. Scratch that. It is nearly impossible to find a good Catholic/Christian boyfriend.
My best friend was expressing to me her frustrations over this. She said that because men aren’t stepping up, us women are left feeling that we either need to do all the work, or that we have to lower our standards. I think she is absolutely right.
Men know that they are the minority, at least in religious circles. They know that us women want husbands, and so they are sitting back and letting us fret and stress over the matter.
This is not how things should be. Women should not be coveting men. Men should be coveting us. I’m not saying they necessarily know this consciously. Quite frankly, I doubt men know anything consciously. But their subconscious’s know this!
Women, we are beautiful treasures that drive men wild. Men are supposed to be dying to be so lucky to have an amazing woman in his life.
As Dave Chappelle once said: “Chivalry is dead. And women killed it”. He also said this: “the magazines trick the women. The magazines start picking at your self-esteem: every page you turn you start feeling fatter, and uglier, and you feel like your clothes aren’t good enough. And the magazines have you forgetting how beautiful you are.”

For a guy who says some pretty controversial and risqué things, who couldn’t applaud those two statements?
So men, you better start stepping up. Start by reading this blog: http://artofmanliness.com/.
Be gentlemen.
And women, we need to step up too. Let the men in your life be gentlemen. A man knows you are perfectly capable of opening a door yourself. But maybe he wants to open it for you, because he respects you.
I understand also that dating within Catholic/Christian circles is difficult because as soon as there is any interest brewing, all your friends start asking if you’re discerning marriage. Talk about scaring away a potential partner? Oh my gosh, you like me?? I like you too! Let’s discern marriage! Wow. All the while, the poor guy is sitting across the table thinking The only thing I was discerning was what flavour tea I wanted…

Either way, if you men don’t start stepping up, us women will begin our official protest, because we deserve better.
PS: If you leave a comment, please leave a first name so I can properly respond, rather than saying "2 posts above", etc.