1. Halifax is a retarded sea-port city that gets almost NO snow in the winter.
2. It is not winter. (I should probably either apologise to any Albertans reading this, or say "LOLZ!!")
For the past week, at least, everytime I wake up I'm all like "It feels like Christmas", and then my mom gets mad like "GGGAAAHHH NOOOOOO I HAVEN'T STARTED SHOPPING YET!!!! AAARGGGHHH!"
What's the deal, brain? Why do you think it is Christmas? It feels like I should be baking Christmas desserts. But that's probably just my natural born woman instinct to be in the kitchen.
Anyways, my academic life is basically a disaster. It is an unending cycle of me not being able to accomplish tasks or get organised. Also, I wanted to punch my professor in the face on Wednesday and make him a trophy for being the biggest tool of the semester. But I decided that since I have 2 classes with him, he is controlling 50% of my grades this semester, plus he has substantial control over my thesis being acceptable or not, so it would probably be in my best interest to not punch him in the face.
Rather, I decided on leaving as quickly as possible. This did not happen. My prof stops his conversation with a student to rush over and block me from leaving class to apologise for being a big retarded tool (this may or may not be paraphrased). Given that my one and only thought was to punch him in the face (my natural human self-defense reaction to my intelligence and ego being threatened), I decided to back away from him, out of punching range. Clearly he does not understand body language, so he moves closer. I moved away again, into a chair. He moves even closer. Now I have no more room to back up, because I am against a chair and table. Trapped. No way out. He tried explaining himself to me. Unfortunately he is incredibly incoherent, and is the worst prof I have ever had for trying to explain himself. I just wanted to leave, so I just kept telling him I understood what he meant.
Finally, before this happened:

I got away.
Now I'm pretty much over it.
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