1. People think the Church is against feeling good about yourself...you must always feel bad and guilty. But! I had an epiphany. When people feel good about themselves, and they say it, immediately people react with pointing out bad things about that person. For example: A girl says "You know what? I'm done feeling self conscious. I am a strong, pretty girl". People immediately jump to: "Ugh, who does she think she is, showing off her confidence? She isn't very pretty. Just look at the following flaws......" etc. So, the Church does want you to feel good about yourself, but it wants you to be humble about it, so as to not lead other people into sin, because people are stupid and petty and jealous.

2. God has not brought me my husband yet because I am terrified of children and babies. When I see a baby, and every girl around me goes "AAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!" my eyes go wide, very shifty, and this is what comes out of me: "Ummm....yeaahhh...look how...cute....." while my mind is like: "omg, a baby. How terrifying. They have self-destruct buttons on the tops of their heads, which is the most accessible place on a baby! And they all look the same." Thus, I feel like a horrible monster, because, who the hell doesn't like kids? Seriously? I am a woman, isn't this supposed to be in like, my genes or something? Don't get me wrong, I want kids someday...no more than 2 or 3, but that's different, because my children will be little machines of awesome that every person on the face of the earth will adore, and people will say, "you're so awesome, just like your mom".
(Sidenote: Please don't fall into sin and naturally start pointing out how not-awesome I am).

3. Apple cider is better than regular tea.

4. Getting an honor's degree blows. Big time. If it had a face, I would punch it. Twice. At least.