It's been a month since I last posted. Here's where we're at since then. I give you an artistic representation of my brain's current state:

Basically, I am a giant ball of stress right now, which has resulted in me clearing my schedule of all events which would have brought joy into my life, including a going away party for a very good friend moving back to the other side of the world, and a banquet which would have been a very good time, all because currently I am borderline incapable of human contact. It is for the best. I am protecting the lives of those around me who may accidentally stumble and trip onto the path of my wrath.
The good news is that I am officially finished 3 out of 5 classes (well, technically 6 classes I guess). So that has fortunately brought some relief to my ire.
The bad news is that I have 2 papers and a power point presentation due by Tuesday. But once that's over, I have the luxury of concentrating every second freaking out over my thesis until April 15th. And if you're anything like me, rather than sitting down and just getting shit done, you'd rather spend time numbing your mind to your reality by doing things that contribute nothing to your existence or current responsbilities.
So that's where we're at.